We can determine your Current Sell/Price Group Margin alignment using regressive analytics. We determine the actual margin spread across the different products within a sell group. The chart below shows a random sell group of one of our clients before using Patternology.
Each dot represents a product/SKU within the sell group, and the dark blue line represents the Sell matrix margin profile applied to each product within the sell group. You can see in the chart above the average margin of each product varies widely from the intended matrix price. However, in the chart below using Patternology; products have been grouped based on AI and proprietary algorithms. As you can see each product more clearly aligns with the matrix margin being applied from your price pages.
If you would like us to perform an analysis to determine the actual margin spread across the different products within a sell group, please click on the link below and submit the following data for a single sell/price group (make sure the sell/price group has at least fifty different SKU). Once submitted, we will schedule a quick thirty-minute call to review our analysis with you.
- Single sell/price group
- Margin Profile for the identified sell group;
- By customer size (if applicable);
- By customer type (if applicable);
- By SKU Core Status (if the products within the sell group have a different core status)
- One-year invoiced sales history for the products within the sell group with the following information
- Unit sell price
- Unit COGS
- Unit GM Dollars
- Qty sold
- Invoice date
- Customer Size
- Customer type
- SKU core status